

Fifteen years ago I received a phone call that would change my life. A group of men invited me to a men’s group. I had no idea what a mens group was. I was living in Steamboat Springs, Colorado where I was working for Young Life. Working in ministry can often be a lonely place. What I needed was a community that I could be myself.

When I arrived, the smell the grilled steaks and genuine laugher billowing from the house. This was not what I was expecting from a church group.  Over the next several months these men became like brothers to me. For the first time in my life I began to understand the importance of men’s leadership in the church.

Several years ago I moved to Hollywood and became a  film director.  In 2005 I began developing a script called “MAN CHURCH”. I have a passion for men and the local church. I wanted to create a movie that would use humor to break down walls and give men permission to experience life and life to the fullest.

Thank you for your interest in MAN CHURCH. Enjoy!


Gratis 7 Media Group is a non-profit public foundation that believes media and film are the communication tools of our time and story is a catalyst for life change.   Our mission is to create innovative media for life change.

We believe story is  a critical element in reaching today’s culture. Stories are timeless.  They can penetrate our hearts without our minds getting in the way.  The prominent voice in American culture is no longer the Church, it’s media. Regardless of our hope, the body of Christ is influenced.

Our films illustrate the human experience by inviting the viewer into a world that is immediate and available, not exotic and unrealistic. Our movies challenge our personal experience of identity,  community,  sexuality, good and evil, and meaning. These topics form the structure for films of great power.

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